Nutrition & Health

goodness locked in

Milk Drink

Health benefits of the vitamins and minerals found in our Milk Drink:

Calcium: Keeps bones and teeth healthy; helps your body maintain bone mass.
Protein: A good source of energy: builds and repairs your muscle tissue.
Potassium: Helps you keep a good blood pressure.
Phosphorus: Helps strengthen your bones and gives you energy.
Vitamin D: Helps your body maintain your bones.
Vitamin A: Helps maintain the immune system; helps maintain normal vision and good skin.

Omega-3 Benefits


Is it true that few Asians suffer from osteoporosis?


Vitamin D: Bone Protector and More


Milk Products and Bone Health

Health bone should be sufficient strength to support our body weight and physical activity. Osteoporosis is a major bone disease with low bone mass and deterioration of bone strength. This increased the risk of breaking a bone.1  Osteoporosis Facts & Statistics has indicated that, we start to lose bone in our mid-30s, at least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer from osteoporotic fracture during their lifetime, and over 80% of bone fractures in Middle Aged and Elderly caused by osteoporosis1. A lot of studies showing that higher calcium and vitamin D intakes build and maintain good bone, postpone age-related bone loss, and reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures.2

It is well known that milk and milk products content nutrients that contribute to bone health, especially, the calcium and vitamin D. vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, the building blocks of solid bones. Some studies show that the calcium in milk products has higher bioavailability, that is the higher amount of calcium actually absorbed and incorporated into your bones. The studies suggest that milk and milk products are better for bone health, and possibly the prevention of osteoporosis, than calcium supplements.3

An evidence of milk products in enhancing bone accretion in Chinese children has been examined via a study, which conducted among Hong Kong involve in three hundred and forty-four children, aged 9–10 years old, were randomized to receive milk powder equivalent to 1300 mg and 650 mg calcium in 6,12 and 18 months. Comparing to control group, the group took milk powder equivalent to 1300 mg calcium daily had significantly higher increase in bone mineral density (BMD), the group consumed milk powder equivalent to 650 mg calcium had smaller increases in BMD, although the increase in BMD at the total body was significantly higher than control group. The result demonstrated supplementing the diet of Chinese children with milk powder was effective in enhancing bone accretion.4

1. Osteoporosis Canada. 2016. Osteoporosis facts & statistics. Accessed October 25, 2016.
2. Heaney RP. Calcium, dairy products and osteoporosis. J Am Coll Nutr 2000;19(2 Suppl):83S-99S.
3. Heaney RP. Dairy and bone health. J Am Coll Nutr 2009;28 Suppl 1:82S–90S.
4. Lau, E.M.C. ;Lynn, H; Chan ,Y.H; Lau,W. ; Woo, J. , Benefits of milk powder supplementation on bone accretion in Chinese children. Osteoporos Int (2004) 15: 654–658 DOI 10.1007/s00198-004-1593-6
